Decorating and display tips for period furniture & accessories.

Decorating and display tips for period furniture & accessories.

Apr 7th 2023

Period furniture and accessories provide a classic and elegant look in any home, but it can be challenging to showcase them in a stylish and cohesive way. Here are some tips to help you decorate and display period furniture and accessories in your home:

  1. Create a focal point: Position your period furniture in a way that it becomes the center of attention in the room. Place the pieces in an area where they can be seen easily.
  2. Balance is key: To create a balanced look, mix period furniture with modern pieces that complement it. For example, if you have an antique sofa, balance it out with modern art or minimalist lighting.
  3. Add texture and warmth: Layering textures and colors can help soften the look of period furniture. Add soft, patterned throw pillows or a cozy throw to make the space warm and inviting.
  4. Highlight details: Show off the intricate craftsmanship of period furniture by adding accent pieces that draw the eye to the details. For example, decorate an antique china cabinet with treasured pieces that highlight the intricate details of the cabinet.
  5. Lighting: Proper lighting can enhance the look of your period furniture and accessories. Use dimmer switches and warm lighting to create a cozy ambiance.
  6. Stay true to the era: Keep the authenticity of the period furniture by displaying it with other accessories that are from the same era. Additionally, consider the era-specific color palettes and patterns to ensure cohesiveness.
  7. Create a gallery wall: Display period paintings, photographs, or mirrors to create a gallery wall with period charm. Gallery walls create visual interest and can add color and texture to a room.

By following these tips, you can showcase your period furniture and accessories in a stylish and sophisticated way, while keeping authenticity and character at the forefront of your space.