Using Mission Rugs to Enhance a Room

Using Mission Rugs to Enhance a Room

Mar 21st 2020

Home Furnishings

Nearly half of homeowners are planning to decorate their homes. These decorations could be anything from lighting, a frame for a bed, a new dining table, or mission rugs to tie together a room.

Regardless of what you are looking to decorate, home decorations are an important part of your personal expression. Being able to express your look through home decor can take time, but the time taken is always worth it.

The Mission Rug

Typically, the edges of a rug should be between 12 and 14 inches from a room's perimeter. Area rugs and mission rugs also apply to this rule. While aesthetically pleasing and very artsy, these rugs also have a ton of other benefits. Here are the main benefits of mission rugs:

Reduces Room Echo: All of us have been in those open and spacious rooms with a few other people but there is an awkward silence. Everyone is friends. Everyone is social. The room is beautiful. So what is wrong? It's that annoying echo. Having an echo in a room is one of the quickest ways to kill the conversation and make a room fall apart. Adding a mission rug to the room helps reduce echo by absorbing the sound. This is especially important for rooms where there will be video recordings (for bloggers) or phone calls (especially business related).

Reduces Standing Fatigue: Young whippersnappers might not be able to relate as much here. But for those among us who understand life a bit more, standing for significant periods of time on a hardwood or concrete floor can be taxing. Having a rug beneath a desk or area that is commonly walked can do incredible work to help reduce standing fatigue and keep your feet feeling fine.

Warm the Room: Not just the aesthetic warming look here - having a surface rug in a room can help keep warm air in the room, rather than letting it escape down through the hardwood floor. This means a warmer environment both physically and aesthetically as well as savings on your energy bill.

Keeps a Tidy Room: No doubt about it, having a mission rug helps keep a room tidy. Typically a room will stay cleaner because if there is dust in the air, the rug will absorb the dust and not let it surface on the floor. This helps keep the room looking clean and tidy. Additionally, this helps reduce cleaning time for the room. Rather than having to mop and dry the hardwood surface, simply vacuum the rug and you're done!

Easy to Coordinate: Mission rugs come in a variety of colors, sizes, and even shapes. This makes it easy to coordinate a rug with anything else in the room. Well placed rugs can really tie a room together and help give it an incredibly relaxed feeling.

If you are looking for mission rugs or other home decor, let us know what you are looking to do. We have people on staff who are happy to show you our latest trending selections or to give you recommendations based on your current style and needs.